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Our Full Choice CSA

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture.  It is a strategy which allows small farms like ours to survive by skipping the middleman and selling directly to consumers.  It does not mean you get a random box of farm products every week.  Some farms run their CSAs that way, but we do not.  Our CSA is full choice, which means that you choose what to buy, how much, and when to get it.  We rely on our CSA Members to keep us going, and some of them have been with us now since 2007.  We invite you to join our farm community by becoming a member of our CSA.  Please read this whole page to learn how it works and then Contact Us to start your membership.

To join our CSA, you need to have an email account that you check daily.  You need to notify us promptly if you change your email address and you need to make sure that our emails are not getting sent to your junk folder.  We expect you to read our emails carefully and respond promptly when requested. 

When you are a member of our CSA you will get an account on our website.  Logging into your account will enable you to use the shopping cart to order products.  You can order whenever you like.  After you place a website order by Monday noon, I will send you a Paypal bill and a delivery schedule on Monday afternoon or evening, and then deliver your order on Tuesday.  Before that point, we will correspond and figure out where you will get your products.  We have a dropsite in South Eugene and also at the farm in West Eugene.  We also offer home delivery.  If your house is off my main route, there will be an extra delivery charge. Unless you pick up at the farm, there is a $15 minimum for all orders and a delivery charge for all orders less than $30.

If you pick up at the drop site, you can pick up at your convenience during the designated hours whether or not anyone is home and you don't need to let the residents know you are there.  If you forget to pick up, the dropsite host will attempt to contact you.  If you don't make prompt arrangements to pick up, you will forfeit your products.  

If you would like to become a CSA Member, please contact us.  The following provides more details about our products: 

Organic Fruit  

We grow our orchard without irrigation.  Our farm uses organic methods but is not certified organic. We do not use any chemical fertilizers or any pesticides, not even those allowed by organic rules.  We test our soil and add organic amendments to balance the minerals, producing nutrient-dense food and super healthy plants which can resist plant diseases and pests.  Most of our compost is made with manure from ingredients from our own land.  In order to preserve wildlife habitat, we have refrained from cutting trees or draining wetlands on our land.  We tend our orchard mostly by hand.  We grow apples, pears, plums, pie cherries, and blackberries.   

Our fruit is most abundant from July to October.  Now that we are older, we are partially retired so we are not selling such a large amount of fruit anymore.   

Animal Products  

We have sold all our animals, but we still have some wool for sale.


Please Contact Us to join our CSA now. 


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