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Strawberry-Rhubarb Crisp

4 c rhubarb, chopped (about 1.5 lbs)

3/4 c sugar (we use Rapunzel Rapadura whole cane sugar)

2 Tb minute tapioca (we use the organic brand)

1/2 t salt

2 c sliced strawberries

1/4 c butter or unrefined coconut oil, melted

1 c rolled oats

1/4 c flour (wheat or rice)

1/3 c brown sugar  (or rapadura as above)


Combine first 4 ingredients and let sit for 30 minutes while you do the rest.

Melt the butter or coconut oil, then add last 3 ingredients and mix to make topping.

When 30 minutes is up, stir the strawberries into the rhubarb mixture and put in buttered or oiled 9x9 pan, then sprinkle topping on.

Bake 45 minutes at 350.  Serve with vanilla icecream.

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